Price list for Driving School in Bucharest

Do you want to find out how much the driving school cost in Bucharest?

Well, you can find our prices below, and for payment you have a few options: either integral payment in the beginning, or 2 or 3 installments. Choose the option that suits you!

Conditions to be in the driving school Category D

The minimum age from which the school for category D can start is 23 years and 9 months and when the age of 24 is reached, the exam can be taken at the Police. Any student must be psychologically and medically fit.

The student must not be guilty of any violation provided in Article 24 of the O.U.G. 195/2002 *

Nelit prices for category D

The price for category D also includes fuel.
  • 5500 lei (with category B permit). The first installment is 1700 Ron.
  • 3200 lei (when you have category C and / or D1 less than 1 year old.
  • 2900lei (when you have a category C and / or D1 driving license for more than 1 year.

    Category D for those with category B driving license

  • theoretical training: 72 hours
  • practical training: 50 hours
  • minimum duration: 8 weeks

  • Price: 5500 Lei

    Category D for those with category C less than a year

    • theoretical training: 46 hours
    • practical training: 25 hours
    • minimum duration: 5 weeks

    Price: 3200 Lei

    Category D for those with category C more than a year

  • theoretical training: 46 hours
  • practical training: 20 hours
  • minimum duration: 4 weeks

  • Price: 2900 Lei
    Additional prices:

  • Additional session - 250 lei
  • Car fee for the exam - 450 lei
  • For the English language, an additional 40 lei/session is added
  • Minimum age required

    The minimum age from which the school for category D can start is 20 years and 9 months and when the age of 21 is reached, the exam can be taken by the Police.

    Cat B-17 years and 9 months exam at 18 years
    Cat C-20 years and 9 months exam at 21 years
    Cat D-23 years and 9 months exam at 24 years

    At Nelit driving school you enjoy all the benefits!

    • We have over 20 years experience
    • Our instructors are friendly and they will not stress you out
    • Our cars are new and packed with all the options so you can drive in comfort
    • Our driving school is authorized by Autoritatea Rutiera Roamana (A.R.R.) – authorization no. AS0008382
    • Our headquarters are in Drumul Taberei since 2006.
    • We have availability in the afternoons and weekends.
    • Our schedule is flexible, we can book you late in the day or in the weekends.
    See all the details here